Counselling Juneau - Improved postural alignment is a goal of surgery, chiropractic, physiotherapy and dentistry. The connections between health and postural alignment are involved in several types of treatment for human illness. Chiropractic BioPhysics, or Clinical Biomechanics of Posture (CBP), is a non-invasive procedure used to be able to correct postural misalignment. CBP can reverse problems which were before considered a normal part of the aging process.
CBP technique is an evidence-based rehabilitation method intended for the spinal column. Chiropractors using CBP are specifically trained at CBP seminars and should undertake a practical and written examination before becoming Distinguished Fellows of CBP. CBP chiropractors usually carry out various chiropractic treatments also, but with CBP they could provide more long-term corrections for people suffering from the effects of poor posture.
The invention of CBP technique dates back to the year 1980 when Donald. D. Harrison developed a technique which will become among the fastest growing techniques in chiropractic treatment. Based on scientific research and practical application, CBP has been extremely successful at helping patients. In reality, CBP is studied more than other chiropractic techniques, and research is done in partnership with some of the best spinal researchers in the world. CBP technique is the most effective technique to achieve change in postural and spinal alignment consistently.
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Arctic Chiropractic Juneau
2243 Jordan Ave