Mobilization is a gentle technique

Mobilization is a gentle technique

Mobilization is a gentle technique

The human body is a complex machine composed of trillions of cells, billions of neurons, numerous organs, and only one spine. The spine is a remarkable aid for the human race. The spine is strong, consisting of 26 vertebrae bones, but it is also flexible to allow for complex movement. Within the spine is the spinal cord, composed of spinal nerves. These nerves help send impulses from the brain to the rest of the body. Without these signals from the spine, limbs are rendered useless. However, more commonly people experience aches and pains that stem from the spine. Individuals have back pain for a number of causes, but most are preventable and treatable.

A back problem according to Medline Plus is one of the most common medical complaints. In fact 8 out 10 people in their lifetime will experience back pain at one point. Symptoms of back pain range from a dull ache to sudden sharp pains. People who experience back pain for more than three months have chronic back pain (Medline Plus, 2013). Most back pain will go away, but back pain that persists should be treated.

Commonly back problems develop due to aging, occupational strain, and superfluous weight being carried by an individual. Age related back problems are typically due to the lifelong wear and tear the spine has undergone. Most notable of age related back pains from osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a condition of arthritis that is caused due to the deterioration of cartilage in between bones. This is an irreversible disease and is present due to consistent usage of the body. However, chiropractors can help relieve the pain of osteoarthritis through manipulation of the spine and gentle massages.

Occupational strain can also inflict back pain. Some jobs require lots of labor. After repeated heavy lifting, these jobs put strain on the back. Occupations that often affect back problems include nursing, manual labor positions, and jobs that are high stress such as firefighting or being a police officer. Stressful jobs take a toll on the body because there is a constant strain with long hours, and dangerous situations.

Finally, excess weight causes back problems. Weight accumulates in the gut region on the opposite side of the back. This causes strain on the back because there is not longer a balance between the weights the back must carrying. The extra weight pulls the pelvis forward to compensate, thus creating stress on the lower back (“Common Causes of Back Pain”). Being overweight is common in the United States; however, it is preventable.

For every cause of back pain, there are equally as many preventive measures to take against back problems. One of the best ways to help the back is by strengthening the core. The core is the encasement for the spine and includes both abdominal muscles and back muscles. Dr. Edgar McLaughlin shared, “The muscles that support the spine are in balance, like a circus tent that has a pole in the middle and taut ropes around it” (“Back Pain Prevention”). He later went on to share that when one side of the “tent” is compromised, the whole “tent” becomes compromised. This analogy helps illustrate how one small misuse can lead to greater pain. A strong core will create support and stabilization of the spine and help prevent deterioration, ruptured discs, muscle spasms, and tight muscles.

Watching your weight is also essential in maintaining back pain. Like mentioned above, the excess weight is just added pressure to the spine. In fact, for every one-pound extra an individual carries, 5-10 pounds of pressure are placed on the spine (“Back Pain Prevention”). So every pound shed will only serve to benefit the back.

Maintaining good posture is important for preserving a pain-free back. The spine is made in a unique way consisting of 3 curves. When these curves are compromised, muscles and ligaments have a hard time upholding the balance the body needs. To accomplish good posture individuals must keep shoulders back in a relaxed position, keep abdomen inward, and balance weight evenly on your feet. When sitting it is beneficial to keep both feet on the floor, sit back, and to face forward (Mayo Clinic). Being aware of your posture daily will help create a healthy habit of correct posture.
Chiropractors are a great resource to help treat back pain. These professionals are educated in how the alignment of the spine affects the overall health of a person. Chiropractors use several techniques to help each individual. Much like at a doctor’s appointment, chiropractors assess and evaluate the complaints of their patients. Then they develop the best treatment plan for the individual.
A standard treatment provided by chiropractors includes spinal manipulation. With spinal manipulation, professionals are able to help align the spine. This helps reduce the pressures felt by the spine and thus helps manage pain. Spinal manipulation is a technique that places pressure on certain areas of the back. This technique uses hands or other special instruments to help relieve a patient from pain.

Another chiropractic treatment plan includes mobilization. Mobilization is a gentle technique that helps stretch muscles and joints. This technique differs from manipulation because it is slower adjustment of tissues to relieve tension. Mobilization is recommended for patients with a sensitive nervous system, patients with osteoporosis, or the patient that has acute pain rather than severe pain.

To have a life free of back –pain is a wonderful feat that can be accomplished by everyone. Living a healthy lifestyle through a maintained weight, good posture, a strong core are some of the many ways to prevent the back problems. For those that already suffer with back-pain, whether it is due to osteoarthritis, occupational strain or excess weight, chiropractors can help. Chiropractors are a wonderful tool that help people manage their pain and live life to their fullest.

Mobilization is a gentle technique

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