Pain Management Clinic Juneau


Pain Management Clinic Juneau - The misalignment of the spine called a vertebral subluxation, causes an impediment to the communication between the body and the brain. A vertebral subluxation might be better understood as a spinal irregularity, which results in various other problems for the body including tiredness, pain, dizziness, general poor health, and a lowered resistance to disease. Vertebral subluxations, if untreated for many years, could erode vitality and health and impact lots of different parts of the body.

Chiropractic care is the treatment and diagnosis of vertebral subluxations. Chiropractic doctors treat vertebral subluxations through hands-on methods of manipulating the spinal column.

Depending on the details of the problem, a vertebral subluxation could be labeled differently. Spinal Kinesiopathology refers to the vertebrae being jammed and either extremely stiff or, conversely, very mobile. It feels uncomfortable to bend, twist, or turn in whichever direction.

Myopathology refers to a condition of chronically spastic, weak, sensitive, tight and/or sore muscles.

Neuropathophysiology addresses impinged nerves which cause numbness, tingling, pain and/or pins-and needles. There is a blocking of the impulses traveling through the nerves and of the chemicals which flow over the nerves.

Histopathology refers to painful spots, trigger points, tenderness, swelling in the soft tissues, potentially affecting tendons, ligaments, cartilage, organs and discs.

Pathophysiology is when the body's muscles, ligaments, joints, and organs seem to be aging too soon, accompanied by tiredness, vulnerability to sickness, and less mental and physical energy.

Subluxations have various reasons. These causes can be grouped as macro-stress, that includes traumas like sports injuries, accidents and falls, and micro-stress, which comes from recurring movements that gradually wear down the body.

Subluxations could happen in kids because of such things as childbirth and falls; hence, even infants and children may need to see a chiropractor. Spinal damage at birth is the main reason for many neurological and other health problems.

The vertebral subluxation complex is the most possible reason for nerve irritation and interference, but is not the only cause of interference with nerve messages. Nerves could be severely damaged by neurological sicknesses such as multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, polio, and cerebral palsy. Various causes comprise drugs, strokes, trauma, bone breakages, arthritis, and tumors.

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Phone: (907) 416-4094
Fax: (907) 313-6812

2243 Jordan Ave Juneau , AK 99801

Hours of Operation

Monday to Saturday
7:00 am - 6:00 pm

By Appointment Only