Juneau Podiatrist


Juneau Podiatrist - Interference with nerves, or pressure on nerves, can cause a host of conditions and symptoms. Beneath, the vertebrae of the spinal column are numbered and associated their related health issues.

C1 - insomnia, headaches, nervousness, mental conditions, head colds, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, sleeping sickness, chronic tiredness, nervous breakdown, amnesia, dizziness or vertigo
C2 - Allergies, crossed eyes, sinus trouble, fainting spells, deafness, eye problems, earache, certain conditions of blindness
C3 - neuritis, neuralgia, pimples or acne, eczema
C4 - catarrh, hay fever, difficulty in hearing, adenoids
C5 - hoarseness, laryngitis, throat problems like a sore throat or quinsy
C6 - stiff neck, pain in upper arm, whooping cough, croop, tonsillitis
C7 - goiter, bursitis, colds, thyroid conditions
D1 - asthma, cough, difficult breathing, shortness of breath, pain in the hands and lower arms
D2 - certain chest pains and functional heart conditions
D3 - pneumonia, congestion, influenza, bronchitis, pleurisy
D4 - shingles, gall bladder problems, jaundice
D5 - low blood pressure, liver condition, fever, arthritis, anemia poor circulation
D6 - stomach troubles, including indigestion, heartburn, dyspepsia, nervous stomach, and so forth
D7 - ulcers, gastritis, diabetes
D8 - lowered resistance, hiccups
D9 - allergies, hives
D10 - hardening of the arteries, kidney problems, pyelitis, chronic tiredness, nephritis
D11 - skin conditions such as boils, acne, pimples or eczema
D12 - gas pains, rheumatism, some kinds of sterility
L1 - diarrhea, constipation, colitis, dysentery, hernias or ruptures
L2 - cramps, difficult breathing, acidosis, varicose veins, appendicitis
L3 - bladder problems, menstrual problems like for example painful or irregular periods, bed wetting, impotency, miscarriages, change of life symptoms, many knee pains
L4 - lumbago, sciatica, too frequent, difficult, painful urination, backache
L5 - poor circulation in the legs, swollen ankles, weak arches and ankles, weakness in the legs, leg cramps, cool feet
Sacrum - spinal curvatures, sacroiliac conditions
Coccyx - piles or hemorrhoids, itching or pruritis, pain at the end of spine on sitting

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Phone: (907) 416-4094
Fax: (907) 313-6812

2243 Jordan Ave Juneau , AK 99801

Hours of Operation

Monday to Saturday
7:00 am - 6:00 pm

By Appointment Only