The Food We Eat May Affect Back Pains!
There are numerous ways that people can get back pain. The most common ways include smoking, being overweight, and leading a sedimentary life, allowing them to sit for long periods of time. There are also a lot of ways to prevent it. Mainly strength training, eating a well-balanced diet, and receiving wellness adjustments. Although back pain my be hereditary as well as something many people experience, it can be treated.
Smoking is one of the most common ways for people to experience back pain. Smoking causes Atherosclerosis; plaque and other materials build up on the inside of blood vessels causing a decrease in blood supply, especially to areas that have small blood vessels. The bones and disks of the spine have very small blood vessels, making them susceptible to Atherosclerosis. This decreases the spines ability to heal itself, eventually causing degeneration of the spine and the onset of pain. The nicotine in cigarettes inhibit the activity of osteoblasts. A specialized cell that builds bone tissue. The decreased osteoblast activity makes it difficult for the bone to rebuild itself, in time resulting in the bone being used up faster than it can be rebuilt. This causes osteoporosis and other conditions causing pain. Smoking does not only affect the back bones themselves, it also affects the body's natural hormonal activity for pain detection, inhibiting the hormones that help the body deal with pain.
Being overweight is another way a person could experience back pain. Not only from the weight itself putting strain on the bones, but also the diet a person has. People that have a lot of extra weight around their midsection experience back pain because the extra weight pulls the pelvis forward, creating stress on the lower back. These people may also experience low back pain from a herniated disk or a pinched nerve caused by compensating for the weight.
The food a person eats can also contribute to back pain. Eating junk foods, candy, cookies, and other sugary foods are not good for the body; mainly because they provide too much energy too fast for the body to use it, resulting in it being stored as fat. Eating foods that are high in complex carbohydrates, and low in simple sugars and fat are better for the body because they release a great deal of energy more slowly. This allows your muscles to be constantly supplied with the energy it needs to maintain support and protection of your spine. Eating a well-balanced breakfast is a great way to help maintain a strong back and spine. When a person sleeps the energy that is stored in their liver is depleted to the brain and other organs leaving only 5% of the energy for when you wake up. The muscles will be weak because of this and can become injured more quickly.
Back pain can also be caused by leading a sedentary lifestyle. Sitting for an extended period of time daily causes cramming of the spinal disks, as well as reduction of mobility in the hips. Hips are designed to be very flexible and mobile, but sitting for long periods of time causes them to stop working this way, making the lower back become responsible for movement. Lower back pain isn't only caused from a person's hips not doing what they are supposed to; it is also caused because sitting down puts increased pressure on the vertebrae of the back. Sitting also causes all of the weight from the upper body to rest on the pelvis directly, with no transfer of the force through the hips to the legs and feet. When a person is standing, the pressure on the spine is a lot less because the abdominal muscles are activated and the hip and leg muscles are helping to support the body. The extra pressure on the joints of the lower back from sitting will overtime cause the tissues that are supporting that area of the body to weaken and break down.
Back pain isn't something that will definitely immobilize someone. There are ways to prevent back pain. Three ways in particular include strength training, eating an anti-inflammatory diet, and getting wellness adjustments. Strength training can be very helpful because the back muscles will become stronger, making it more difficult to injure them as well as helping to prevent pain from poor posture. Diet is also something that will help prevent back pain. Eating processed foods, excess sugar, and caffeine can cause inflammation in the body. This inflammation can lead to arthritis, causing a great deal of pain in the back. Anti-inflammatory foods will help prevent this from happening. Reducing the risk of back pain for a person.
Getting wellness adjustments from a chiropractor will also help prevent back pain. Even if a person isn't experiencing back pain, the best way to prevent it is to keep their spine in optimal condition. A chiropractor will perform the adjustments that will help keep the back healthy, and regular adjustments can prevent injuries and bad posture, both which can lead to back pain.
Chiropractors use numerous methods to do this, but mainly, manipulation of the joints, nutritional counselling, exercise and rehabilitation treatment plans. Chiropractors manipulate the joints using a controlled, sudden force to improve the range and quality of motion. They may also offer nutrition counselling to help their patients understand how the foods that they are eating affect them. They would also show their patients what foods they should be eating to help prevent back pain. An exercise plan is very helpful because it shows the patient what they should be doing daily to help strengthen their muscles; making them more difficult to injure as well as helping to prevent pain from poor posture. Rehabilitation plans are meant to strengthen and rehabilitate muscles that had once been injured. This is helpful because it works muscles slowly, making them stronger without over working them.
Back pain is very common in today's society, and learning how to prevent and cure it is very important. People need to know that back pain is preventable, and that having back pain does not mean that they will never be pain free. It is treatable and chiropractors can help. We spend too much of our lives sitting down, and eating fast food. We need to start taking care of our bodies; and when we do, we will start feeling better.