Reduce physical fatigue and overuse
The three major ways to avoid chronic back pain are: maintaining good body mechanics, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and seeking professional help if home therapies are not successful in treating pain. Maintaining good body mechanics may be the easiest and most sure way to avoid chronic back pain. Taking time to pay attention to how we move our bodies both during activity and rest can prevent ongoing complaints of back pain. We should take inventory of how we have setup our workplace and our house and adjust it in a way that will reduce physical fatigue and overuse. We should also maintain good posture and body mechanics to prevent chronic pain. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is beneficial in many ways for our overall health. Maintaining a normal and acceptable weight by exercising and making healthy food choices will surely make us feel better and avoid chronic pain. Avoiding smoking and managing stress is also very important in managing our overall health. When a situation occurs, and when back pain is not responding to normal conservative home treatment, it is time seek professional help. Regular checkups with your chiropractor can help prevent chronic pain. These healthcare professionals can help educate you on posture and spinal alignment and suggest ways to prevent or manage future back pain.
Three methods that chiropractors use when treating back pain include: spinal manipulation or adjustment, exercise and physical fitness, and trigger point therapy. Spinal adjustment is the foundation of chiropractic medicine and is widely used to treat back pain. Spinal adjustment can lead to immediate improvement in pain. Sometimes it may require a series of adjustments at interval time periods but spinal manipulation can provide ongoing improvements in pain and can be used to maintain that improvement once achieved. Chiropractors can also educate patients on exercise therapies to recover from back pain and to prevent recurrent episodes of pain. Proper instruction on exercise technique is crucial to recovery and prevention of pain. Chiropractors can teach patient’s the correct way to perform the exercises properly and evaluate the results. Finally, chiropractors use trigger point therapy to treat back pain and injuries. This therapy is used to improve joint and muscle function and promote healing. It is similar to deep tissue massage and is helpful in restoring muscle and joint function and pain relief.
In conclusion, back pain affects many people in their lifetime and for many people, back pain is disabling and disrupts normal daily activities. There are many ways to prevent back pain and many ways to treat pain once it occurs. Chiropractic medicine has a proven history of treating back pain effectively and safely and allows people to return to their life without surgical intervention. Education, prevention and treatment are the cornerstones for a healthy, happy, and pain-free life.